Friday, March 16, 2012

Mix and Match Day
 Jambo Everyone,
Well, sorry I haven't written in a while but have been extremly busy.
This last week was culture week and the students really had fun. I think I have too many pictures. Anyway, It started with uniform day and mix & match day then on to Fri. with the grand finale of African Day and I got to sit in the VIP box with the VC. Yes, the dress has buns and bread sewn on to it. There were many of paper & garbage bag outfits. Then of course the gowns which were beautiful. They are very talented. In the evening we had a black tie dinner and the announcement of the winners. It was a gala affair and they asked me to give the award to the runner ups which are pictured here. I couldn't see to get off the stage as there were so many flash bulbs going off plus it was so dark.
Fri. African Day Fashion Show

Creative Catagory

Second Runner Up

Mix and Match Day
The Tall one won Ms Nazarene  

We had Masai Dancers that were incredible and many musicians singing, dancing and skits. A wonderful week for the students they really worked hard to make it a memorable time. Now they have 3 weeks before finals and are working hard on that.

I love being here at the campus as I am always hearing music and most of the time it is in Swahili  or hymns. My flat is very near the Church so I have a ring side seat.

As I said I have been busy and I got great news yesterday.
They have given me the go ahead on one of my projects which 
is the faculty lounge. I have everything in place and am ready to go. God is good and I am so blessed to be here and to be able to help with the decor. I will post before and after pictures when I am finished.

Well must go now, I have another appointment with a vendor for flooring.

God Bless You All

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