Sunday, January 26, 2014

Continuation of Nairobi National Park

These are the graceful Impala with horns in the shape of a lyre and ears that are very large. You can tell  its an Impala by the M on it's rear end. The female has no horns.

Below are Common Eland's they are the biggest of the antelopes and can weigh up to a ton. Both male and female have horns.

If you look behind the Eland you will see ANU with the red roof. That is how close we are to the park.

The Secretary Bird is very large  about 36" high and weighs about 8lbs. with a wing span of 6 ft. The name is  Arabic and means hunter bird. When the head feather come up it is like a crown on the back of the head .

So we are at the end of pictures and here we find the area of where the kill took place and there came the lion we never saw the kill only to think it was well eaten by now as we got there by about 9:30 am and he was the last lion and he was heading home for a siesta with a full belly. You really need to get up at 6:00 when the park opens to see more animals but we were fortunate to see 2 the lion and the buffalo of the big 5. So now hopefully on my Safari with the team when we go to Masai Mara I will see the Elephant, Rino & Cheetah. 

So when I got home I decided to do laundry. This is what I saw as I went to the laundry area. He is a Agama Lizard and it is a male as the female is dull in color.

So this was the end of a wonderful day with nature. God is so good and makes such beautiful creatures in our world. When is the last time you really looked at your surroundings? Isn't it beautiful.

La La Salama & Blessings,


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