Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Harmon Hall

Jambo Everyone,
Well I did figure out with the help of Matt how to put more than one picture on a page all though this e has a mind of it's own.

The University is in bad shape for only 18 years old. I think much of it is lack of maintenance and poor workman ship.
Wood carved doors on the Hall

I have met with the Vice Chancellor today for the first time and she has given me the go ahead for my first project which is the faculty lounge.
Well  it appears I have not master this yet. Can't keep it in one line. Will call Matt again and have him come over. 

Here is funny story, Sunday I went over to the cafeteria and I was early and no one was their, but the chef said come in. I got my plate and sat at a table. All of a sudden the chef ran out and said shoo, I turned to see a tail going out the door and asked what it was he said a monkey after the garbage can. I continued to eat and something told me turn around and there all 3' of him was with  a tail longer than that. He had a beautiful white and black face, we kept eye  contact for a few seconds and then he ran. I continued to eat and I felt something staring at me and looked down and it was one of the stray cats, so I shared my dinner. Next I will show you my room which is quite nice.

Till Then,
Inside foyer of Harmon hall

Thursday, February 23, 2012

African Nazarene University


Center of Campus

   The center of campus, has walls with names of work & wittiness groups that have
 came and worked at the campus.

I am still learning how to do this blog so be patient, I haven't figured out how to get more than one picture on a page yet.


African Nazarene University

Strange Plant
The vegitation is much like ours in Florida, but then you see things like this. Flowers are sold on the street corners and a bunch of roses, not a dozen maybe three dozen are maybe $5.00. It is very dry here. 

Week One

Donna in Her Home

This was the home I stayed in, in Nairobi and  this is Donna who is an inspiring designer and does a really nice job. She is really  the finance person for the compound and she also is property manager for it
 For three days we shopped for resources for the university and found a few promising ones. She will be retiring in August and has a lot of mixed feeling about going home, and I can't blame her, this place is nice.

Monday it is off to the university to see what my project has in store for me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hi Everyone,
I have made it to Kenya!
What an interseting place, Niarobi is like Tampa but smaller, I think, there are about 3 million people,
shopping malls very busy and crazy drivers with no stop signs or lights. I am staying with Donna for a couple of days then she will take me to the university Mon. The compound here is beautiful and nice homes.

Will post in about a week.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome to my new blog,

It is 5 days till take off to Kenya, I will try to post every week if possible.
I hope you will come and join me on my mission.
