Saturday, November 30, 2013

ANU 2013 - 2014

Hippo in lake at Rift Valley. Yes we were in a dug out about 10' away from him or her.

Left from Sarasota on my first leg to Africa. My first seat companion was a dog ( no I mean a real dog ) there was a lady on the isle seat and she had cage under the front seat and asked if it was OK and I said yes. Then I asked if she were allowed to let it out and she said yes. So I said it is OK with me and she did. The next thing I know is he is on my lap licking my face. Except for long layovers, the flight is 14 hours and they feed us constantly. Get into Dubai at 2:30 am and see the worlds tallest building lit up it is huge. Finally get my boarding pass for the next flight and I see they have a Delta Lounge I went it and was able to wait there till my flight left. Sat in a comfy chair and almost fell asleep. Did have some snacks.

Arrive in Nairobi at about 6:30 am. Now I had a 5 hour layover in Dubai and still get there in Kenya 4 hours later  and the flight is 4 hours. By now I am totally confused as to what day it is. So after trying to find my luggage and fill out Visa forms. The whole airport has changed and I am not sure where I am going. Finally get out and there is Oruta one of my favorite drivers ( body guards) at ANU and Carla Lovett who is Donna Lovett's daughter in law. Carla is a bubbly red head that talks faster than anyone I have ever met. On the way she said we are invited to a goat roast tonight. So we stop at the mall for food then home to unpack put away get shower dress and off to a party. The house we are going to is the Keysoys who is a professor here and it is just being built ( very big ) and right near the campus. The goat is tough which is standard for meat here in Africa so I have a few nuggets and eat wonderful salad , potatoes etc. Rod Reed the DVC comes in and is surprised to see me. By now I have been about 2 days with only 5 hours sleep. Home and I crash and oh yes have been told we are going to the Rift Valley in the morning and leaving at 8:00 am. Have a fitful night as the mattress is hard as a rock and my back is killing me. We leave at 9:00 ( Kenyan Time ). Now here hopefully I will post pictures if I can remember how.
Yes this giraffe was as tall as the telephone pole on the road in Rift Valley
Zebras 5 on the road in Rift Valley & volcano.

Rift Valley Mountains