Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dec. 22, 2013

Jambo & Merry Christmas,

Since it has been a while since I have written, thought I would show you our projects. The first is the Distance Learning Department. There are two room almost identical and one is to be used for a computer lab and lectures and the other is Mary Ooko's office she is the director of the department. 

Computer Lab
Mary's Office
These of course are before pictures and I will post afters later as the work progresses. My job here is to co ordinate replacing water damaged tiles, replace lighting, paint, new furniture to accommodate 40 computers in one room and also all of the previous plus furniture for office area in the other. After being here for over a month I have finally got the approval for everything and have got the ceiling tiles installed. Nothing is easy here to much paper work and too many people involved to get a job done, but with the Lords help I will persevere.

The next is the Jernigan Chapel which is the second chapel that was added to the campus I am guessing about 10 years ago. It needs help. The stage is carpet that is worn, dirty, and old. The main floor is parquet which has never been refinished and needs replacing. The walls need paint and the ceiling is foam board squares that I believe was put there for sound and insulation but there are seams in it and the chapel is always dirty with the dirt falling through. It needs to be caulked and painted.
Stage at Jernigan

Jernigan Chapel

Some of the kids and Carla's daughter Anne helped trim tree and we made snow flakes it was almost a Charlie Brown Tree but looked better once we fluffed.

Food in my flat
Now for a few Christmas messages. Carla Lovett and I have been playing Santa on campus. Carla came up with the idea and it kind of mushroomed. We decided to buy food and give it to our wonderful drivers as they real do so much for us. So we bought buckets and filled them with rice, Chapati flour, oil, beans, biscuits, tea, candy ( or sweets as it is called here ). I proceeded to make bows and tags for each driver. Then we decided to give to the cleaning staff a very large box of  biscuits and tea. Then we remembered the kitchen staff and did the same. Then I thought well I had better take care of Marete and the work shop as we work really close on these projects. So I decided the buckets were a lot of work to shop for and fill so I have opted to do envelopes with cash in them with bows. So I believe we have covered everyone of the workers. Almost forgot we also bought Chapatti flour and oil to give out to family's on Christmas day. It was fun and apprecitated.
Carla Shopping
God Bless You One and All
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Saturday, November 30, 2013

ANU 2013 - 2014

Hippo in lake at Rift Valley. Yes we were in a dug out about 10' away from him or her.

Left from Sarasota on my first leg to Africa. My first seat companion was a dog ( no I mean a real dog ) there was a lady on the isle seat and she had cage under the front seat and asked if it was OK and I said yes. Then I asked if she were allowed to let it out and she said yes. So I said it is OK with me and she did. The next thing I know is he is on my lap licking my face. Except for long layovers, the flight is 14 hours and they feed us constantly. Get into Dubai at 2:30 am and see the worlds tallest building lit up it is huge. Finally get my boarding pass for the next flight and I see they have a Delta Lounge I went it and was able to wait there till my flight left. Sat in a comfy chair and almost fell asleep. Did have some snacks.

Arrive in Nairobi at about 6:30 am. Now I had a 5 hour layover in Dubai and still get there in Kenya 4 hours later  and the flight is 4 hours. By now I am totally confused as to what day it is. So after trying to find my luggage and fill out Visa forms. The whole airport has changed and I am not sure where I am going. Finally get out and there is Oruta one of my favorite drivers ( body guards) at ANU and Carla Lovett who is Donna Lovett's daughter in law. Carla is a bubbly red head that talks faster than anyone I have ever met. On the way she said we are invited to a goat roast tonight. So we stop at the mall for food then home to unpack put away get shower dress and off to a party. The house we are going to is the Keysoys who is a professor here and it is just being built ( very big ) and right near the campus. The goat is tough which is standard for meat here in Africa so I have a few nuggets and eat wonderful salad , potatoes etc. Rod Reed the DVC comes in and is surprised to see me. By now I have been about 2 days with only 5 hours sleep. Home and I crash and oh yes have been told we are going to the Rift Valley in the morning and leaving at 8:00 am. Have a fitful night as the mattress is hard as a rock and my back is killing me. We leave at 9:00 ( Kenyan Time ). Now here hopefully I will post pictures if I can remember how.
Yes this giraffe was as tall as the telephone pole on the road in Rift Valley
Zebras 5 on the road in Rift Valley & volcano.

Rift Valley Mountains