Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jambo Dear Friends, This was my last day in Nairobi.  Verna Stanton asked what I would like to do and I said why don't we go to lunch. Well she did one better, this is Ranger Park where we did have lunch in a beautiful setting in the jungle and watched below as the wart hogs wandered about and a monkey swung by.  Then we took a Safari Walk and saw many animals. This was a pygmy rhino which are very endangered. Below this baboon was walking next to me as were several others walking down the side walk. They seem to have the run of the park.

A guard kind of started walking with us and talking to us and asked if we saw the Ostrich and we replied no. So he said stay here and came back with a branch from a tree and out of no where this huge Ostrich appears and runs up to the fence where we were standing and devoured the leaves on the branch. Which we found out are sweet. The Ostrich could easily reach over the fence as we could also very open.

This is a albino Zebra there were 3 and one was a baby. They are pretty much extinct except for the few in the park and of course who knows there may be more in the wild.

 So the guard said have you seen a lion since you have been here and of course I said no. So he said follow  me and took us down a path then stopped us so other people were out of sight . Then said quickly everyone down this path. Then a few hundred yards of muddy path there they were all asleep
 3 females and one male. They started to wake up rolling over one another and stretching and yawning. Then finally looked over at us and yawned some more. They were not impressed. Then a handler whistled and they all got up stretched some more and started to go to dinner, I imagine. Yes, there was a fence in between us or we would have been dinner.
This Cheetah was beautiful and big. The strange thing about this was there is a big raven about 10ft. deep and about 8ft. across with a electric fence at the bottom. I could not see any reason that Cheetah could not jump that raven easily, unless Cheetahs can't jump?? When he ran it was like a rocket had taken off, what a beautiful site.                                                                                          

My next blog will be of my projects
at ANU and probably my last till the next time, which I am planning.
