Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jambo My Friends,

Before I get into the pictures I have for you today, I want to tell you I will be home on May 5th not because I want to but because Delta will not extend my ticket as it is peak season  here. My work here has escalated into more than I ever dreamed and the VC would have liked me to stay until July but it is not to be.

So my blog will not end when I get home, as I will have pictures to show you of the projects that I have finished. There are 4 finished and one in the process but it will not be started or completed before I leave. I will have a colored photo that I will be able to share with you. I have been working with a graphic designer named Michael and we have come up with some wonderful before and after photos. So stay tuned!!!

Today I want to show you the Giraffe Park:

Home now BB on property.
My name is Kelly and I am 11 years old.
I am afraid I don't have a lot of info as it was hard to hear and understand what the gal was saying but here goes. The park was left in a will from a woman that owned the property and I believe she asked it be used for a animal park. The home is now a  Bed & Breakfast and the cost is about $800.00 a week to stay there, it looks so peaceful and can you imagine going out on the lawn and a giraffe walking up to you.

 So they have been using it to raise and breed giraffes. At the present time there are seven and all are females. The male died in December from stomach problems and is buried on the land. There is a baby and they are waiting until she is 3 before they can trade it for a male to continue the breeding.

Look at the tongue !
Look at the eye. Food in my hand.

They are so beautiful and graceful but they do want food and that is all that is important to them. Kelly has the habit if you don't give her food she will lower her neck and then swing it at you because you don't have food.

They can live to 30 years old in the Park but in the wild they only live to about 16 years old.
Their diet is of a pellet that is made of wheat, rice, corn & molasses.
There tongues are I would say about a foot long. If you hold the food between your teeth they will take it out of your mouth. No I didn't!

Here comes Lyn !
Getting Closer !

My name is Lynn and I am 16 years old.

I never found out how tall the two girls were but where I am standing feeding Kelly is a two story building so they are really tall. The most beautiful eyes and eyelashes and eyeliner ( well it looks like eyeliner) . They seem so gentle but I am not sure they are, seeing the way Kelly was when there was no more food. Lyn does not do that.

I will close for now and will hopefully write sooner than the last time.

Kwahari friends till the next time.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Matt & Maddy
Kittengela Glass
 Jambo Everyone,
This is a very strange site, your script goes where it wants as well as the pictures.

Today I am taking you to Kittengela Glass factory, we spent an hour and a half and I could have stayed another 2 hours. This was fasinating.

How these men stand the heat is beyond me, I was standing right on the edge of the entrance and the heat was intense. Each piece is hand made and no two alike. What you think is going to be a vase or bowl ends up to be a plate or platter.

The House for the Kilns

 Kittengela has been there 30 years and they ship all over the world and have visitors from all over the world also. The kilns are fed with used oil and have been going for 25 years and are never let to cool. It is owned by a husband & wife from Germany.
Forming the bottom of the bowl or as it turns out to be a plate

 Everything has glass in it as you see the walls, sidewalks, doors, floors, benches, you name it and you will see glass imbedded in it. The glass ware and vases are very heavy and they say you can drop one and it won't break. I didn't try it. They also make jewelry , yes I bought a pair of earring!
The finished product of the above .
They also have cool huts that are for vendors and evidently they rent the huts to them and sell there products for them. All of the workers stay right there and there is a house that they all live in. 
A wall of one of the buildings, it is all glass inlayed.

A whole floor of glass.
 I have many more pictures but can't possibly put them on here.

I will probably never go back to Kittengela as my back has still not recovered and my liver still hasn't found out where it belongs, from the drive there which is approximately 4 miles. I felt like an eternity and took us 20 min. to reach Kittengela. What I finally got a picture of because I wasn't holding on for dear life was the best part of the road. At certain points there  really is no road and the holes are about 2 - 4 feet deep and out of them are boulders that jar your teeth. I don't know why the bottom of the car wasn't ripped out I could here the muffler and tail pipe rattling and banging.

It was all worth it because it was truly something you will never see in US. Even in Italy is was not this beautiful with all the surroundings. Oh yes, also on the way we saw about 8 zebra and a baby, that really made it worthwhile, unfortunately couldn't get a picture.

                                                           Have a Blessed Easter,
The Road